Pinterest Lives Again

I had (notice past tense) an extensive list of photos tagged and cataloged on Pinterest. But then life came crashing in and I stopped posting. My email changed and voila, I was no longer able to access my Pinterest account. Oh, it’s still there, just languishing and underfed.

To rectify this, I created a brand new Pinterest account and starting following myself (that would be my old account). Therefore I can repin all my old photos (the 1000s) onto my new site. Tedious? Yes. But something I can do while in line at the grocery store.

Here are some sample pins, currently centered around my debut novel, Tarot: The Magician.

Wordle Tarot

All of the first chapter of Tarot: The Magician

I love the mystery of this photo. It's called "Discovered" by David Dallilet. This reminds me of the Black Plague suits doctors would wear.

I love the mystery of this photo. It’s called “Discovered” by David Dallilet. This reminds me of the Black Plague suits doctors would wear.

This painting, called "All Seeing" reminds me of Guiermo Del Toro's work. Although the painting is by Sarah Jones.

This painting, called “All Seeing” reminds me of Guiermo Del Toro’s work. Although the painting is by Sarah Jones.

Yes. I also adore books. In 2005, Swiss artist Jan Reymond began constructing elaborate installations each year, made of the old, unsold books as a last hurrah for the soon-to-be discarded objects.

Yes. I also adore books. In 2005, Swiss artist Jan Reymond began constructing elaborate installations each year, made of the old, unsold books as a last hurrah for the soon-to-be discarded objects.

Tim Kane

6 comments on “Pinterest Lives Again

  1. You have a very disturbing Pinterest, if these are just a few samples. Granted, the style of writing you do, but whew….. 😛 Glad you figured out a way to ‘save’ your pins! Creative.

    • Tim Kane says:

      I have nicer ones. I just haven’t transferred them. And hey, the readophile ones are nice. I think there’s even a puppy. 😉

      • Lol. Okay then. I just might have to take a look. That being said, the woman in the red cape with the black death dudes, does make one want to write something quite unique. I don’t deny that. Puppies can be scary. (just kidding)

      • Tim Kane says:

        I looked back and you’re right. On the blog I mostly posted bizarre images. Those were the ones that were the most striking. Except, wow, that does paint an interesting picture of me, doesn’t it?

  2. smithdw2026 says:

    The book installation looks really cool. I like the overall look and that books were repurposed into something else, at least for awhile. I remember seeing a show about the middle ages where they had a black plague mask/suit similar to the painting. The All Seeing is actually pretty cool too.

    • Tim Kane says:

      Yup, I’m drawn to all things books so the book installation is awesome. Click over to the Pinterest site for a whole lot more book related art.

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