Surreal Art from Kerozen

I love fonts. Having spent almost ten years as a graphic designer, I used to possess books filled with fonts. Alas, I don’t get to use as many anymore. But when I see one that catches my eye, I have to share.

KANE flesh

This is my name written in the Kerozen font. Unlucky for all of us, they only created enough letters to create their own company name (Kerozen). I was able to imagine the R as an A and create my name.


Kerozen is a French design studio that formed these creepy letters from their own design team. Each letter represents a person, wrinkles and all. This led me to explore more of the Kerozen  portfolio.


As far as I can tell, Court Métrange is an art festival discussing fiction, special effects, and visual arts. I would so want to attend this festival. It looks amazing.


Here is another ad for Court Métrange. Notice the theme of the modified human parts. Instead of letters, here we have slices of head. This is not too far from what scientists already do with mummies. I wonder if, like the Kerozen letters, each of these represents a design member.


This ad is for a tabloid (Le Mensuel) in France. The image is both disturbing and draws you in. I wonder if the person has a headache. Is he trying to avoid the world or does he yearn for escape?

Kerozen seems like a design firm I’d love to have lunch with. Fascinating stuff.

Tim Kane

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